Monday, May 14, 2012

I read today where there is no blue in Daylilies. Is that really true? Seems like some blue to me. This is 3 different seedlings of mine. What color is this?..Gotta Go.....tom


  1. Wow they're beautiful!! I certainly see blue in the second and third one! Great work!
    Nancy from Alma Wi

  2. I believe I see blue too Nancy. I do believe we will someday get a blue one. Old hard heads like me won't quit until on the brown side of the sod. Thanks for the kind words....tom

  3. I see blue also...& believe a blue daylily will come someday....
    I would like to see it with a white 1/2" rufflely edge...but, probably they will have to breed OUT the green 1" edge first;(
    Very pretty seedlings Mr. know I'm partial to the 2nd one...what are the seedling #'s on the other two??

  4. They sure seem to have some blue. The top one is 2012177 and the bottom is 2012180. I got both of them yesterday. The blues from 7659 are late bloomers. We will give the strawberries another shot, Thanks Dear.....T
